A friend wants to baptize her little girl, so i though about a butterfly fairy bomboniera who holds the candies. Unfortunatelly, my daughter put it on her easter candle, which was also beautiful to hold.
Happy Great Monday, during the weekend i had really nice notes on my blog and i want to say to all of you, thank you very much. Especially i want to write sth about my teacher, who i am very glad that i ve ever met her. Cause one person may want to create, have the passion to do so, feels complete while making sth that its his/her own and maybe have the capacity to do so, but if you dont have someone, who will teach you HOW to do this right, with the proper way, having fun out of this, then you will propable wont like your results and maybe you will drop the whole thing down.
So i think my teacher can be very proud of herself just doing the most precious thing here!! Thank you!!